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学术报告/通知 时间: 2017-12-20   来源:   【 |  | 】  【打印

(12月22日14:30)History-independent cyclic response of nanotwinned Cu


报告题目:History-independent cyclic response of nanotwinned Cu

报告人: Prof. L. Lu

Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research,

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P.R. China






Nearly 90% of service failures of metallic components and structures are caused by fatigue at cyclic stress amplitudes much lower than the tensile strength of the materials involved. A long-standing obstacle to developing better materials has been that metals typically suffer from large, accumulative, irreversible damages in microstructure during cyclic deformation, leading to history-dependent and unstable cyclic responses. In this study, through both experiments and atomistic simulations, we report a history-independent and stable fatigue response in a bulk polycrystalline Cu sample containing highly oriented nanoscale twins under sequences of stepwise increasing/decreasing plastic strain amplitudes. The results demonstrate that this unusual behavior is governed by a type of highly correlated necklace dislocations formed in the nanotwinned metal under cyclic loading. This unique fatigue mechanism is fundamentally distinct from traditional strain-localizing fatigue mechanisms associated with irreversible microstructural damage.


卢磊博士现任中科院金属研究所研究员、博士生导师、国家杰出青年基金获得者、中科院特聘研究员、中青年科技创新领军人才、科技部万人计划领军人才。现任国际著名材料期刊Acta Materialia Scripta Materialia编辑,纳米材料国际委员会(International committee of Nanostructured Materials)委员。主要从事金属纳米材料的制备、结构表征、力学性能及变形机制的基础研究。在Nature, ScienceActa Mater.SCI期刊发表论文百余篇,被SCI他引用8000余次,获国际发明专利3项,50余次国际学术会议特邀报告。获全国优秀百篇博士学位论文奖、SCUPOS寻找 “未来科学希望之星”纳米科学领域银奖、中国青年女科学家奖、2014-2016连续获得汤森路透中国“引文桂冠奖--高被引科学家奖”等奖励。



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